Your donation helps them transform from "helpless to helpful", just like Alice.
Just like Alice, transformation happens by building resilience and wholeness in LOVE.
$4,856 raised
$75,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
The impact effects us all!
Your donation heals up the hurts that keep people from being all they are created to be. Actually, it transforms them so they can walk out their purpose at work, school and home.
- Up to 89% of those hurting, that go through our program, learn to Live Life Healed through Love N Grace Healing Centers.
- 76% of students and teachers see an improvement in the ability for students to focus on learning.
- Referrals are the number one source of new clients. With a 50% increase in the amount of care sessions in the office that means people are finding true transformation.
Your donation allows all private sessions to be at no cost, just like Alice many of those that so desperately want biblical and emotional healing would miss out if you weren't paying it forward.
Love N Grace Healing Centers and Empowered Kids are DBA's of Kingdom Homestead a 501Cs.