Imagine - A day in the life of one of Empowered Kids students. image

Imagine - A day in the life of one of Empowered Kids students.

Because of YOU that can change!

$10,415 raised

$120,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Imagine sleeping on the floor, you're exhausted...

Imagine not being able to stop the hurt words from replaying in your head....

Imagine your parents on drugs/alcohol every day...

Imagine chaos and fighting all night...

Imagine your ONLY safe place is school.

Would you be rested and ready to learn?

These are core hurts the students Empowered Kids school team have experienced.

The number one thing they learn, according to the students, is "they're people out there that love you, that you are safe to tell anything to".

It's all because of You that students are seen privately:

  • 1 day a week by our team
  • In 2 public school systems
  • 8-10 students seen each day
  • In 4 school buildings
  • Available for crisis calls from the Sheriff's Department
  • Students from additional schools are seen in our 2735 E Apple Ave office

The care is FREE to the student BECAUSE OF YOU. Your donations gives them choices that will lead them to healthier lives. Allows thems to learn. The tools they learn give them purpose, identity, truth and hope.

It's all Because of YOU!

Will you donate today?